Sunday, April 27, 2008

Anyone up for some Mojo?!?

To all the sexy, and fabulous Bellas and Bellos out there, Prego!....wink, wink

So toady's questions are all about the mojo, Mmmmmmmmmmmm Mojo........ ;-) you know how to treat Luxurious Mr.

Hello Mr. L, I am getting ready to ask someone for money and I need advice. I have already begun a honey jar spell for this purpose, but some planning and decisions need to be made soon and I need to know if I have her help or not as I proceed. I am scared to ask right now while the moon is waning. I am wondering if this is as big of a deal as I feel it is. Also, is there anything I can do to balance this energy? Or is the answer that I should just go ahead and wait a couple of weeks to ask? I really need a favorable outcome. Thanks so much.


Ms. Porkchop in Boulder

Hello Ms. Porkchop! I am submersed in vat of applesauce as I type so I can effectively answer your question....anyone ready to lick it off?.... you know I would do the same for you......

I guess Luxurious Mr. L has to put that on hold in order to get back to the question of the night, and this is a fun one to answer. Now for all you newbies out there in metaphysical land, the moon question is as follows, is it ok for me to do ________ working during _______ phase of the moon. Traditionally, most earth based magickal workers have the same stance.....waxing moon= manifesting workings, full moon= bring me what I want now!, waning moon= exercising, breaking work, and dark moon= I can do whatever I want since no one is But Mr. L knows that not all of lifes little problems can wait for the moon to come into alignment with ones Will. It seems to me that the reason why traditional folk work different mojos with different phases of the moon is to piggy back on the energy of whats happening in nature. Its like asking a neighbor to pick you up some whip cream when they are already going to the store.....ten quesses for what I use the whip cream for.......But I digress, as long as your intent is strong, it doesn't matter what phase the moon is in.

Butt....Of course Luxurious Mr. L knows a trick or two to change the energy of the moon for your working........its called the Lunar Pentagram.....doesn't it sound intriguing?

So here it is, fancy right? me explain how you work it....Like all magickal sigils, the Lunar Pentagram is a representation of a cosmic force, i.e. the moon. At the top of the pentagram is the the full moon, on each of the sides are the waxing and waning moon, at the bottom is the lunar cup, and the dark moon, or no moon at all. Now how you work it is that you first draw it on a piece of paper, if you want to get all fancy, you can do it on parchment with dragon's blood ink. Now that you have copied it, heres where the magick takes place...You place your pen at the point where the moon is currently at....for you Ms. Porkchop it would be at the waning moon-to the right, then follow the line till you get the full moon. You stop at the full moon and then follow the line till you get the full moon again. You do this until you feel the energy of where you are work shift from waning to full. This can be applied to any working at any time.

I hope this helps, let me know how it all turns out!

Much love, and some extra naughty kisses!

Luxurious Mr. L

So the next question comes from Queenie about divination work, looks like I am not the only queen online these days...LOL

Dear Luxurious Mr. L,I recently started working with a pendulum (using a Queen Elizabeth Root) as I felt drawn to do so. Though I'm well familiar with card divination, I don't know anything about pendulums and am only working with it intuitively at the moment. Sometimes I feel connected to this form, and other times -- I'm less sure. Can you offer any insights or advice concerning working with this mode of divination (or divination in general)?

Thanks lots Luxurious Mr. L!


Dear Queenie! I feel ya, working with new divination can be tricky, and pendulums can be the trickiest of the bunch. Sometimes depending on my mood and or motivations, no jokes, I have found that my own desire to have something come out in the affirmative can sway the Pendulum to towards what I want, as opposed to what is true. Have you officially consecrated it? Heres a little ditty that I have found that works both to conscecrate and get the Pendulum more connected with the information you need.

Ingredients for Green Blood of the Earth

ragweed (Ambrosia Artemissifola)

Bloodweed (Ambrosia Trifida)

Pigweed (Amarantnus Retroflexus)

Althea (Althea Officinalis)

Vervain (Verbena Officinalis)

1 Gallon River Water

1 Large Buckett

This ritual should be done on a Thursday, and add flare as you see fit!.....Gather the ingredients and set your space in your normal fashion. Take the buckett and fill it with the river water, and slowly start to add each of the herbs by rubbing them in between the palms while submerging your hands in the water. Pray to the spirits who own divination in your tradition. If you are working a hoodoo trad, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Joan of Arc, St. Gerard Majella, St. Claire of Assisi, and St. Moses would be appropriate. Next, portion out enough of the mixture for a bath and bottle full that you can annoint yourself with when you are doing divination. Finally, take your pendulum and submerge it completely and let it sit for twenty-four hours. That night, you should take a bath with the Green Blood of the Earth, and set your intent that as you sleep, you are in complete connection with your highest good/ divine self.

The next day, you can take out the pendulum and tie a piece of hair to it. You can feed it with your moon blood every month, or with a new batch of the Green Blood of the Earth. When you are ready to sit down and divine make sure to annoint both yourself and the pendulum with the mixture that you have set aside in the bottle. To make sure your mixture doesn't get moldy, add a fifth of Ever Clear to your bottle and shake it up.

Hope this helps, and do some great divining for me!


Luxurious Mr. L

And the final question of the night comes from Lady with a Lady Question.......Lady Question? I have a couple

Dear Luxurious Mr. L,I have a mojo bag (a traditional Nation sack with the lady's special needs in mind). What is the best way to "keep" a mojo and to keep it working? It's too bulky to tuck into my bra & wear daily, which is how I've always worn and fed (with my sweat + perfume) my mojos in the past and I'm at a loss for how to stay connected to this new one. It is feeling a bit dim if you know what I mean.

Love to you LML!

Lady with a Lady Question

Dear Lady with a Lady Question,

Having a dim mojo is never a fun thing, especially after you have already put the time and expense into making it. There are a couple of ways to perk it up, and have it working for you with minimal energy. Depending on how big it is you can always sew on a band that you wear like a belt under your clothes. When it breaks, that means that the mojo has completed its work and you can release it back into the Universe. If it is too big for this, or you just don't want a big pooch under your clothes, I would suggest something as simple as sleeping with it. You can also do the ol' lodestone trick, where you take to lodestones and consecrate them with bag. Next you tie one onto the bag and keep the other one in your pocket or purse.

Personally, I recommend the following. Make a doll of yourself that you can physically attach your mojo to, and wrap it up in some red cloth. Now this can be dangerous if someone gets a hold of your doll, but if you hide it, and are aware of who is in your space, this is highly effective. First because they can literally feed off and piggy back on each other, and you don't have to worry about anyone finding it on you. Second, you can start to layer your mojos on each other, and not have to have 15 bags on

As for feeding the mojo, I highly suggest the Green Blood of the Earth recipe that I presented earlier, a couple of drops will do ya, and don't be afraid to pray with it on a daily basis.

To all the Ladies out there, and those who want to be them, have some fun on me.

Happy Hunting,

Luxurious Mr. L

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